Christian has come to mean
something other than “Little Christ.”
or “Very nice and very fake.”
We are perceived as the culture
and its master intends.
Do we work hard enough to
topple this stacked deck?
Or do we plant it, water it,
contribute to its growth?
Christians must live in this world submerged,
this world baptized in Noah’s flood.
The questions: “Keep on your helmet?”
or “Tragically inhale the water?”
In any case there is God up above in the light
lovingly working the pumps.
Yes the labels still exist and let’s be honest they do fit some. I believe we must continue to follow the example of what Christ has left on record for us to not just be but display and portray. By doing this there will not be any blurred lines or confusion as to who we are. There’s no question for me as to whether I keep the helmet, it’s so much apart of my necessary wardrobe! I would be naked in this world without it.