Sometimes my brother does not smile at me,
though I extend my hand to his
over and over again
sometimes he does not smile at me.
When he does not smile at me I say...
“Let Chloe’s house report no contentions among us.
There is no need for us to fight denomination against
denomination. My brother, let us reason together on one
If he still does not smile at me I say...
“Pay no attention to the color of my skin my brother,
my friend. God does not care if I am darker or perhaps
lighter than you. It is of no consequence for we are all
members of the same Holy nation and ours is the common
blood of Christ.”
If he still does not smile at me I say...
“Do not attempt to look down on me if I am a woman for
God has said there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor
free, male nor female for Christ is all and in all.”
If he still does not smile at me I say...
“Selfish ambition and petty attitudes have no place in
God’s plan for this is God’s ministry. My brother, my
loved one, I will serve you gladly for the greatest of all
must be the servant of all therefore turn your anger
If he still does not smile at me, I say...
“Take no heed to those who say that I am poor and not
worthy of a place among you. Do not look at my inexpensive
clothes and frown. We are both part of the same
royalty and salvation is not a matter of outward appearance.”
If he still does not smile at me...
With a tear in my eye and “praise the Lord” on my lips I
shake the dust from my feet and trod the heavy path to
reluctant isolation.
And brother smiles at me.