About This Blog and How to Read It

“The Human Condition” is essentially a book expressed as a series of blog post. Each post is written to stand alone but is also a part of a larger narrative that expresses a Biblical view of the nature of God, humanity and creation. In short we will progressively explore the nature of our lives through an accumulative series of Biblical ideas.

Therefore, the best way to use this blog is to start reading at the first post as you would the first chapter in a book. In this way you can understand the broader narrative even as you take in each individual post.

Although we will be exploring important and even heady ideas this is not a work of philosophy. We are examining important truths about God, humanity and creation using the plainly spoken narrative of scripture. The Bible is not a work of philosophy but instructs us through the narrative of God’s relationship with His creation. This will be our approach also. We will approach these important concepts as a function of God’s relationship with us.    

I hope you will be blessed by what is written here. This blog is intended to provide a basic understanding of what the Bible says about the nature of our everyday experience. Everything here has been written with you in mind so please comment, question and dialog. We all will grow as we experience the narrative of God's word together.

God bless you all,

Vernon L. Harper


First Post: God As Passionate Creator 

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