9# God Creates the First Animal Life

The scriptural content for this post is found in Genesis 1:20-23

God spent the first four days of His creation (Geneses 1: 1-19) creating an environment where animal life could thrive. First the introduction of light on the primordial world, then the creation of a vapor free atmosphere between the waters on the earth and the water above the sky, then the creation of the land masses and the separating of the waters from them, then the creation of the plant life and the establishment of the sun, moon and the stars in the sky. These activities were all God’s preparation for animal life to appear. By day five God’s primordial cradle was designed and prepared to nurture the origins of animal life.

Day five sees the second use of the Hebrew word bara in the creation narrative. Bara is used in the initial creation of the heavens and the earth in verse one and here in the initial creation of animal life in day five. Bara designates that what has been created is completely new and unique and not derived from anything that previously existed. The use of the word bara here tells us that with animal life God, through divine fiat, created something as original and unique as the initial creation of the heavens and earth in verse one.   

In verse twenty God proclaims animal life and in verse twenty-one He creates the life that He proclaimed. God creates the sea animals and winged bird which further establishes relationship with creation through a higher form of life. We see the fruit of this expanded relationship as God for the first time out of His joy pronounces a blessing on part of His creation. God proclaims that the sea creatures and the birds are to be fruitful and multiply. God’s bestowing of this special blessing upon this first animal life implies relationship, care and affection which is further evidence that creation was designed to cradle life through whom God enjoys a special relationship.  

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