The Human Condition

17# Living Souls

17# Living Souls
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 ...

16# Nature Is Incomplete Without the Agency of Man

16# Nature Is Incomplete Without the Agency of Man
This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, before any pl...

14# Completed Creation and God’s Rest

14# Completed Creation and God’s Rest
The scripture for today's lesson is found in Genesis 1:31 - Genesis 2:1-3 We know that God took pleasure in what He created in the first chapter of...

13# The Equality of Created Man and Woman

13# The Equality of Created Man and Woman
The scripture text for this post is found in Genesis 1:27-28. In the first chapter of Genesis we are not only told how God created and positioned h...

12# Humanity’s Dominion, Agency and Children

12# Humanity’s Dominion, Agency and Children
  The scripture content for this portion of this post is found in Genesis 1:26. Domination has a mainly negative connotation today because of our c...

11# Human Purpose

11# Human Purpose
God is spirit, invisible, omnipresent, filling all space and time but not limited by space and time. God cannot be perceived by any physical organ ...

10# God's Consummate Act of Creation

10# God's Consummate Act of Creation
The Scripture content for this portion of this post is found in Genesis 1:24-25 In the first part of day sixth of the creation God expands major an...

9# God Creates the First Animal Life

9# God Creates the First Animal Life
The scriptural content for this post is found in Genesis 1:20-23 God spent the first four days of His creation (Geneses 1: 1-19) creating an enviro...

8# God Reveals Sun, Moon and Stars

8# God Reveals Sun, Moon and Stars
The scriptural content for this post is found in Genesis 1:14-19  In the same way that God illuminated the primordial world with light when he decl...

7# The Seas, the Land, and the Plants

7# The Seas, the Land, and the Plants
The scriptural content for this post is found in Genesis 1: 9-13  After establishing the necessary and essential operation of light in the primordi...

6# The Firmament and the Water

6# The Firmament and the Water
The scriptural content for this post is found in Genesis 1:6-9 There was initially the liquid water covering the earth and also water above the e...

5# God, Time and the Age of the Earth

5# God, Time and the Age of the Earth
To determine the age of the earth from the Biblical narrative is impossible. God did not include the date of creation because time as perceived by ...